Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, November 07, 2004
So my BIL is moving out this week...
So hubby and him are upstairs packing up the room...
It will be SO nice to have our OWN house...
I can't's been WAY to long.

My husband had a class this weekend on Friday and Saturday late into the night (midnight) and that left me here alone...just me and the cat...I didn't do too much...ok...I did nothing really...I won't lie! I did some laundry...cooked breakfast...which ifIdosaysomyself was pretty good...I made breakfast burritos this morning...scrambled onions...sour cream...salsa...bacon all wrapped up in a tortilla...that was tasty.

I think in a short while here I shall bake some cookies...

Tomorrow it's back to work...*yawn* I've been at this job for 4 years's just become second's kind of weird to even think of a different job...but the people that work there are the biggest drama queens/kings's rather annoying....

I wish I had some more interestin things to say...but I don' for now I'll say toodles :)


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