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Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Everything has changed!
I was just released from the hospital after 3 days...I was deemed severely pre-eclamptic and have been through the ringer these past 4 days.

I wasn't feeling so well the other day...I was feeling this headache that wouldn't go away....I started to feel dizzy...and was seeing double...and decided "something" wasn't right...I decided to take my blood pressure here at home....what do you was 154/117 I waited 10 minutes and took it again....still no change....and so we called the doc....and were instructed to get to L&D STAT! We rushed to my hospital....I was hooked up to this that and the other....IV'S were TRIED to be started....that's another story alllll it's own....I'll have Hubby take some pics of my 'battle wounds'....let's just say 19 holes later........I was receiving Magnesuim sulfate...and was immidiatly given beta methadone for the baby's lungs development.

I was at this point still in my 33rd week of pregnancy and the docs were VERY concernced as I was doing what was called clonus (sp) with my reflexes....I was told the only option at the point was my life was now in the balance. My pressures were still going up...and they told me I was about to start seizing...I was at my 'small town' hospital in which we intended on delivering our baby....but it is not equipped to handle early I was transffered via ambulance with lights...sirens...the whole shabang to the best hospital around....and my care was continued once I got there....

I was monitored the first hospital contractions were 7 minutes apart....but by the time I was rushed to the second bp was still rising....and contractions had become so regular they were two minutes apart they lasted that way for hours....I was not to move....I was still on the mag sulfate drip...and was waiting to hopefully be able to get that second dose of beta methazone for the baby lung development with in another 24 hour period...

Again....nothing was helping....I was "really sick" as I was told...and the doctors wanted to get the baby out of me ASAP....because I was still contracting....and my pressures were still sky high....I was to do nothing but lay in a darkened room...on my side....being monitored....and not even do so much as talk....I slept....

When I woke up my pressures had gone down a bit...that was a good thing....they were still HIGH...but not as high as the mag sulfate was helping....I was unable to get out of I had to use a bed pan to go pee....(an experience) and was checked for dialation....the baby was given an ultrasound to check for fetal weight....she was weighing in at 4 lbs. 13 ounces and is for sure a girl :) My family got to see the that was neat for them. I didn't see it....I was out of I couldn't see as I was practically blinded with double/tripple...blurry vision from the pre-eclampsia topped with the medicine I was one to help combat what was going on!

That night the pressures started to go lower....I made it though the night...and to the following day to receive the 2nd beta methazone shot for little homegirls lungs...and they were hoping to get 24 more hours outta me to 'cook' her to get that stuff to work on her lungs....then get her out....

after the second dose of that I was doing good for a while....but then again...a turn for the worse....I was once again doing the clonus (sp) with my reflexes and everyone was asked to leave...including my once again my life was on the pressure was going way up again....and the doctor was called....not sure what they's kind of I was really drugged at this point...and plus out of it from just being so sick.....

I just know they were able to get me under control after quite some time....(it was several hours) and I was again resting....'cooking' the baby....

After that pressures continued to stay down and I was in better shape....They've stayed down now for 24 hours...and I was released to come home late last night to do nothing but have "BRP" Bath room privelges. We are monitoring my pressures hourly...and they are stable....we go back to the doc today at 11, and will discuss what is happening from here....she might come tonight....she might come next week....they aren't sure....the contractions stopped all together yesterday....from some meds they gave me....but I do feel them back again today....My hubby went to work for a couple of he was on a business trip and had JUST gotten back when this all happened so he hasn't been in the office and just needed to get a couple things done....I'm here...and doing well for the moment...all my family is in town...and if I need anyone at anytime while he's gone....I have someone here to help.....
because as if alllllll that wasn't enough....while *I* was in the Uncle suffered a massive heart attack yesterday and is in the same hospital I was in, in ICU.....not looking too good for all my family was at the hospital...with me....and was scary..... I said...we go to the doc today at 11....we're going to see what's going on.....I might be having this baby today....or if they can....they want to see if with nothing but bathroom breaks if I can get to 35 weeks.......if my BP will behanve's been behaving for about 24 hours that's good....

But it can change SO no one's leaving my side just yet.....I'm still here....still pregnant...(for the moment) and have been through THE RINGER these past 4 days! my arms look like I've been beaten.....I never thought I'd be in the back of an ambulance....never thought that in a milllllllion years!

........seriously people........I was just not made for pregnancy I tell you!!!!!

There you go....just wanted to update ya'll.....I'm going to continue with my doing nothing.....(Im in bed on my laptop typing this so don't worry I'm not being naughty and getting up) but I'm going to resume my "no stimuli" until hubby gets home in a couple hours...and we go to the doc and see what we do from here....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Brooke.

I am sending tons of prayers your way.

Anonymous Anonymous said...


You and Maddie are definite in my prayers. I hope everything goes well for you both and that you have your beautiful and healthy baby girl in your arms. I hope everything goes well. We are thinking of you.


Blogger Unknown said...

Craziness! Good luck with everything. I hope everything turns out well.

Blogger Mete said...

Hope all went well.... pre-e is nothign to mess with (my son is proof of that) so I'm glad to hear they're watching you so closely.

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