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Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I can't beleive it's November
I can't beleive this baby is due "NEXT MONTH" wowsers.

Even though it still feels like an eternity away when I'm throwing up...and in wretched pain from the stomach tossing and churning that goes along with the whole throwing up thing....when I'm not in seems like it's going to be tomorrow!

But those moments are few and far between! I've had a hard time these past few weeks...the hyperemesis has in this third trimester gone back to feeling like I'm back in my first trimester...where I just can't catch a break....I'm constantly throwing up...and I've become scared to eat because I know it just means it's more to throw up....not that 'not eating' makes me not throw up...because if it's not food I'm throwing up it's a bunch of yellow acid that burns my throat to no end.

Yesterday I had to throw up but all that kept coming out was blood....It's not uncommon to throw up blood with this 'illness' but I haven't done it all that much...and for a whole 'barf session' to consist of nothing but blood was a bit scary....but that's what it was. I think my throat and innards are just so hurt by the constant feeling of acid...burning....and throwing up that it's making my innards bleed worse than they have before.

I've really come to hate the night time...I can never sleep. I have wretched pains in my tummy from my tummy 'making another batch' all night's hard to get any sleep...I've really started to dread the sun going down as a result. Sad huh.
I can't even drink water when I'm thirsty at night because it comes right back up....and I just hate throwing up so much....gah......................I hope after I'm done being pregnant I never have to barf again in my life.

I've been having a lot of BH contractions the past few days....having one at this very moment.....and I've been getting these sharp shooting pains in my groin/ovary area....shrug to what they are...but they make me jump in pain every time I get them.

There are some days I just want to drop myself down the stairs from the pain...and others where it's not 'so bad' it's not neat....I'm ready for this to be over...I'm ready to stop being depressed about being sick...and lonely...and scared to eat...drink...I'm just ready.

I'm ready to never do this again!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found you through Milenka years ago, before you were married.

Sounds like youre having a tough pregnancy. sorry for that. It will all be worth it soon!

Blogger katesun said...

I hope you feel better. only 45 more days :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. I know it can not be fun at all. I wish you a speedy month and hope that as long as little girl is healthy you can go early. There has to be a point where your health comes first...I really am so sorry for you. All you feel is normal with what you have gone through with this pregnancy.

Blogger Unknown said...

Lets hope this month flies by for you so you can have the beautiful baby girl to hold in your arms and your stomach back to yourself.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can they do anything for your morning sickness? I thought they would have put you in hospital on bed rest now with a drip to keep you hydrated and for the baby? I really hope she comes early next month then later hunny. Things will be over soon and no more feeling like shyt. I really hope you feel better soon. I know how looking forward you were to having a baby and the morning sickness just turned that to shit. I really hope you get some sleep.

Carley (do you remember me? LOL)

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