Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, January 02, 2005
hola paco!
When my Husband calls me at work...I always answer the phone 'hola Paco'...too bad his name isn't Paco! I just crack myself up.
We think we want to get another kitty...we're still not sure...but we're really thinking about it!
I'm excited about that...
sheesh...I try and write an entry...and hubby is belly aching for me to come help him make the bed.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I have to make ours all by my little ole self, for now!!! Just wait untilt he belly doesn't allow for it any more and he will have to do it all on his own.
Paco is funny. I always answer mine "yeshhh dear" and whistle the s's. Makes me laugh. Need to laugh as much as I can!
Hope the kitty search goes well!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way, these last two comments are from me!!!
D :) Doh, I forgot to sign my comments, good thing baby is getting all the brains in this operation!

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