Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, January 05, 2005
I want to take a bath...
I want to be taking a bath...but I've been doing things to this blog for hours!
Though it's not that you could tell if you were here earlier today.
Thanks to Milenka my blog will be all pertified in no time!

Hubby is at a HOA meeting right now, so it's just me and the pets.

My hands are rather F R O Z E N at the moment. I turned the heat on quite a while ago but i'm still a popsicle. Why is that???

I think I'm actually going to go take that bath now, then snuggle in to my bed and wait for my lover boy to come home so we can watch Nanny 911 and cuddle.

My lover boy started his first day at the University today, he's all done with junior college now, and he's now got his AA! YAY. He's majoring in Finance at the University and wants to get his masters, then later his PhD. what a guy.

But before that PhD thing...we'll have some KIDS!

I wish I could snap my fingers and make that last part a reality sooner than 'the plan' woe is me!!!

Ok toodles...I'm going to go take that bathy wathy :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope your bath was wonderful!! I get to start taking them again after my next appointment and they tell me that everything is a-ok again. I can't wait. I want to soak before the belly gets too big and sticks out of the water!! And then I will look like a humpback whale in reverse!! He he he!! Can't wait until the belly looks more like a pregnant belly and not a fat belly!

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